Clinique Bottom Lash Mascara | Review

clinique bottom lash mascara

Hello everyone πŸ˜€ I am so excited to finally write this post, this mascara has been on my wish list for about 2 years now. I don’t know why it took me so long to actually buy it but I could never really justify spending €17 on mascara just for my bottom lashes and I know a lot of people don’t like this and say it’s a bit of a gimmick but being as obsessed with mascara at the moment and it being Clinique bonus time, how could I say no?

clinique bottom lash mascara

I never really put mascara on my bottom lashes because there aren’t many of them and it tends to just make a mess and make me look like I have 4 bottom lashes which looks worse than no mascara. When I bought this I was really surprised how small it is, I was expecting the brush part to be tiny but I kind of expected the actually product to be larger, for the price it really is tiny.

clinique bottom lash mascara

For some reason I was expecting to be disappointed when I tried it because I’ve built it up in my head for so long but I was really surprised how much I liked it. From the first time I used it I was honestly really impressed, the brush is so tiny that you can really get to the root of your lashes without making a mess. It’s super black and the formula is great, I didn’t find it clumpy at all. My lashes look so full and long which makes my eyes look so much bigger.

clinique bottom lash mascara

I also found this great for the inner corner of my upper lashes, sometimes I find it hard to get right into the corner without getting mascara all over my face (the most annoying this ever because mascara is pretty much what I do last and it ruins all my hard work 😦 #thestruggleisreal ) I only starting using this that way a few days ago and it’s perfect πŸ™‚

Overall I’m really happy I bought this I really do think it makes a difference for me and I do think I would buy it again and knowing me I would buy it anyway because I love miniature things and the packaging is really cute πŸ™‚ I did wonder why no other companies have really made something similar but mabey most people don’t have a need for it like I feel I do? But I’ve been using it everyday for over 3 weeks now and can’t see myself leaving it out of my daily routine anytime soon πŸ™‚

Have you ever tried this before? Do you thinkΒ you would buy mascara just for your bottom lashes?

Thank you so much for reading πŸ˜€

Emma x

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